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时间:2021-04-03 | 栏目:腾讯云 | 点击:

腾讯云学生服务器是腾讯云针对25岁以下的年轻开发者包括大学生在内推出的优惠服务器,只要符合购买资格,你可以用来搭建自己想搭建的服务,前提是保障合规合法,做什么都可以;若出现违规行为,可能会遭到工信部拦截,服务器也可能被腾讯封停。Tencent cloud student server is a preferential server launched by Tencent cloud for young developers under the age of 25, including college students. As long as you meet the purchase qualification, you can use it to build the service you want to build, provided that you can guarantee compliance and legality, and do anything. If there is any violation, it may be blocked by the Ministry of industry and information technology, and the server may also be blocked by Tencent.

